College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
The Graduate Studies programs at St. Mary’s University are dedicated to equipping students with an advanced academic degree, which is becoming increasingly essential in both the public and private sectors. Here, esteemed faculty work closely with a select number of students to help cultivate their intellectual growth and professional preparedness.
Research is fundamental to graduate study. Students learn how new knowledge is created, how experimentation and discovery are carried out, and how to think, act, and perform independently in the discipline. Depending upon the program’s applied orientation, the student can demonstrate mastery through research papers, literature reviews, artistic performance, oral and written presentations, or case studies.
A capstone or integrating activity, such as an advanced seminar, thesis, recital, exhibit, practicum, or internship provides a culminating experience. This allows students to demonstrate the writing, organizational and applied performance skills associated with the particular degree. It also provides a record of the student’s achievement which can be consulted for references and program evaluation. The graduate degree includes a comprehensive examination at the end of all coursework. Students are required to demonstrate breadth of knowledge in the discipline, depth in specific areas, and the ability to integrate what has been learned.