Joint MBA/MS Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Students will spend the first year in the IO Psychology cohort completing I/O coursework. Beginning in the second year, students will join the Greehey MBA Cohort and begin taking the regular sequence of classes. In addition to the normal Greehey MBA curriculum, students will need to complete one additional IO course each semester in the second year. Students will need to take a total of 12 hours each semester during the second year. During the Fall Semester of the third year, students will take the regular Greehey MBA coursework

The dual degree reduces the Greehey MBA from 33 credits to 27 credits (as it recognizes 6 credit hours from the IO degree). Students will be exempt from taking BA 6300 and BA 6301. The dual degree also reduces the IO degree from 40 credit hours to 34 credit hours by eliminating the current requirement of IO 6363 and 1 additional IO Elective.

Courses required for the joint degree program
Required Courses for MS IO degree (34 credit hours)
IO 6185Statistical Computing and Data Visualization1
IO 6363Advanced Topics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Two courses: (1) Professional Constulting and (2) Group Dynamics in Organizations)6
IO 6366Personnel Psychology and Talent Management3
IO 6369Organizational Psychology3
IO 6370Professional Development & Assessment Centers3
IO 6381Psychological Research3
IO 6385Advanced Statistics I: Basic Descriptive and Inferential Analysis3
IO 6386Multivariate Statistics3
IO 7321Advanced Tests and Measurements3
IO 73673
IO 7385Project and Internship in Talent Management3
Required Courses for MBA degree (27 credit hours)
BA 7355Accounting for Decision Making3
BA 6385Marketing Management Core3
BA 7332Values Driven Leadership Lab I3
BA 7365Financial Management3
BA 6375International Business Core3
BA 7333Values Driven Leadership Lab II3
BA 7325Management of Information and Technology3
BA 9375Leaders, Strategy, & Society3
BA 7334Advanced Business Skills Lab III3
First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester HoursSummerSemester Hours
IO 63663IO 63813IO 73673
IO 63693IO 63703IO 6363 Adv Topic: Professional Constulting3
IO 61851IO 63863 
IO 63853  
 10 9 6
Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester HoursSummerSemester Hours
IO 73213IO 6363 Adv Topic: Group Dynamics in Organizations3IO 73853
BA 73553BA 63753 
BA 63853BA 73653 
BA 73323BA 73333 
 12 12 3
Third Year
FallSemester Hours  
BA 73253  
BA 73343  
BA 93753  
Total Semester Hours 61