M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 


Required Courses
IO 6185Statistical Computing and Data Visualization1
IO 6309Human Factors3
or IO 6367 Group Dynamics in Organizations
IO 6366Personnel Psychology and Talent Management3
IO 6369Organizational Psychology3
IO 6370Professional Development & Assessment Centers3
IO 6381Psychological Research3
IO 6385Advanced Statistics I: Basic Descriptive and Inferential Analysis3
IO 6386Multivariate Statistics3
IO 7320Applied Psychometrics3
IO 7317 Training and Development3
Internship - choose one:3
Project and Internship in Talent Management
Project and Internship in Research and Consulting
Project and Internship in Data Analytics
Select any graduate Level course with the exception of XX 6000 29
Total Semester Hours40


Required Courses
IO 6185Statistical Computing and Data Visualization1
IO 6309Human Factors3
or IO 6367 Group Dynamics in Organizations
IO 6366Personnel Psychology and Talent Management3
IO 6369Organizational Psychology3
IO 6370Professional Development & Assessment Centers3
IO 6381Psychological Research3
IO 6385Advanced Statistics I: Basic Descriptive and Inferential Analysis3
IO 6386Multivariate Statistics3
IO 7317 Training and Development 3
IO 7320Applied Psychometrics3
IO 6387Research3
IO 6388Thesis3
Select any graduate Level course with the exception of XX 6000 26
Total Semester Hours40

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 


First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester HoursSummerSemester Hours
IO 61851IO 63863IO 73673
IO 63853IO 63813Elective3
IO 63663IO 63703 
IO 63693  
 10 9 6
Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours 
IO 73213IO 6363 (Group Dynamics in Organizations)3 
IO 73853Elective3 
 9 6 
Total Semester Hours 40


First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester HoursSummerSemester Hours
IO 61851IO 63863IO 73673
IO 63853IO 63813Elective3
IO 63663IO 63703 
IO 63693  
 10 9 6
Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours 
IO 73213IO 6363 (Group Dynamics in Organizations)3 
IO 63873IO 63883 
 9 6 
Total Semester Hours 40