Joint Degree: J.D. and M.A. International Relations

Students accepted into the St. Mary's University's joint degree program for a Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) and Master of Arts in International Relations (M.A.) must complete the full 91-hour J.D. program, in addition to an 24-credit hour International Relations program with concentrations in Security Policy or Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation.   Please note that the on-campus and online degree plans are the same for this program.  For more information on the joint program, contact program director Kathleen Gallagher, Ph.D.

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

Security Policy concentration

International Relations Core
IR 6312International Relations Theory3
IR 6340International Political Economy3
IR 7300Ethical Issues in International Relations3
Security Policy Core
Select three of the following:9
Topics in Security Issues 1
National Security
Inter-American Security Issues
International Law & Treaties
Asian Security Issues
Middle East Security Issues
European Security Issues
African Security Issues
Development Project Design for NGOs and Non-Profits
Topics in International Relations 1
Flex Electives
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx or 93xx (Any International Relations course)3
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx or 93xx (Any International Relations course)3
Comprehensive Examination
To be taken during the student's final semester. 2
Total Semester Hours24

Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation concentration

International Relations Core
IR 6312International Relations Theory3
IR 6340International Political Economy3
IR 7300Ethical Issues in International Relations3
Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation Core
(These core courses cannot be repeated for credit)
Select three of the following:9
Human Rights
Development, Conflict and Critical Human Security
Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies
Sustainable Development
Cultural, Feminist, and Critical Approaches to International Development
Topics in International Development 1
Topics in Inter-American Studies 1
Topics in International Conflict Resolution 1
United States Foreign Policy
International Law & Treaties
Topics in Border Studies 1
Border Security and Immigration Regulation
Citizenship and Global Inequality
Theories on the Causes of War
Development Project Design for NGOs and Non-Profits
Topics in International Relations 1
Topics in International Relations International Field Study 1
Flex Electives
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx, or 93xx (Any International Relations course)3
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx, or 93xx (Any International Relations course)3
Comprehensive Examination
To be taken during the studemt's final semester. 2
Total Semester Hours24