M.A. in International Relations - Main Campus

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

International Relations Core
IR 6312International Relations Theory3
IR 6320Research and Writing in International Relations3
IR 6324National Security3
IR 6340International Political Economy3
IR 7300Ethical Issues in International Relations3
IR 8311Religion, Identity and Global Politics3
Security Policy Regional Studies Core
Select two of the following:6
Topics in Inter-American Studies 1
Inter-American Security Issues
Asian Security Issues
Middle East Security Issues
European Security Issues
African Security Issues
Security Policy Focus Electives
Select two of the following:6
Topics in Security Issues 1
United States Foreign Policy
International Law & Treaties
Human Rights
Development, Conflict and Critical Human Security
Topics in Border Studies 1
Border Security and Immigration Regulation
Theories on the Causes of War
Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies
Intelligence Gathering and National Security
Topics in International Relations 1
Topics in International Relations International Field Study (Summer Study Tour) 1
Flex Electives 2
Select two of the following:6
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx or 93xx (Any International Relations course)
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx or 93xx (Any International Relations course)
Grant Writing
Special International Studies
Importance European Union
International Business Core
Data Story Telling with Visual Analytics
Advanced Business Skills Lab III
Project management
Improving the Performance and Productivity of Teams
Inter-Cultural Skill for International Entrepreneurs
International Finance
Grant Proposal Writing
Cybersecurity Policy and Law
HS 7344
HS 8340
Personnel Psychology and Talent Management
Organizational Psychology
PA 6300
Public Administration and Policy
Policy Formulation and Implementation
Public Policy Analysis
Principles of Public and Non-Profit Management
PA 6319
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Public Policy and Program Evaluation
Organizational Behavior
Comprehensive Examination 3
To be taken during the student's final semester.
Total Semester Hours36

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

International Relations Core
IR 6312International Relations Theory3
IR 6320Research and Writing in International Relations3
IR 6324National Security3
IR 6340International Political Economy3
IR 7300Ethical Issues in International Relations3
IR 8311Religion, Identity and Global Politics3
Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation Core
Select two of the following:6
Human Rights
Development, Conflict and Critical Human Security
Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies
Sustainable Development
Cultural, Feminist, and Critical Approaches to International Development
Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation Electives
(No courses in the core can be repeated for credit)
Select two of the following:6
Topics in International Development 1
Topics in Inter-American Studies 1
Topics in International Conflict Resolution 1
United States Foreign Policy
International Law & Treaties
Topics in Border Studies 1
Border Security and Immigration Regulation
Citizenship and Global Inequality
Theories on the Causes of War
Development Project Design for NGOs and Non-Profits
Social Suffering and the Scholarship of Witness
From Persecution to Asylum: The Refugee Experience
Topics in International Relations 1
Topics in International Relations International Field Study 1
Flex Electives 2
Select two of the following:6
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx, or 93xx (Any International Relations course)
IR63xx, 73xx, 83xx, or 93xx (Any International Relations course)
Grant Writing
Special International Studies
MBA Internship
Importance European Union
Data Story Telling with Visual Analytics
Organizational Culture, Power, and Politics
Project management
Improving the Performance and Productivity of Teams
Inter-Cultural Skill for International Entrepreneurs
International Finance
Grant Proposal Writing
Cybersecurity Policy and Law
HS 7344
HS 8340
Personnel Psychology and Talent Management
Organizational Psychology
PA 6300
Public Administration and Policy
Policy Formulation and Implementation
Public Policy Analysis
Principles of Public and Non-Profit Management
PA 6319
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Public Policy and Program Evaluation
Organizational Behavior
Comprehensive Examination 3
To be taken during the studemt's final semester.
Total Semester Hours36