M.A. in Public History

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

Public History Courses
Core Courses
HS 6301Introduction to Public History3
HS 8310Internship in Public History3
HS 8320Capstone Proj in Public Hist3
Methods Courses12
Select four from the following:
Topics in Public History
Public History in the Digital Age
Heritage Tourism
History and Museums
Documentary Filmmaking
Archives Organization and Management
Oral History
Historical Geographic Information Systems
Context Courses9
Select three of the following:
Topics in U. S. History
Hispanic San Antonio
American Military History and Public Memory
United States in World History
History of the American West and Borderlands
Public History and Culture in the Modern Era
Topics in United States History: Gender
Topics in United States History: Race and Ethnicity
Topics in United States History: Political and Diplomatic
Topics in United States History: Social and Economic History
Total Semester Hours30

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester HoursSummerSemester Hours
HS 63013Context Course3HS 83103
Context Course3Methods Course3 
Methods Course3Methods Course3 
 9 9 3
Second Year
FallSemester Hours  
Context Course3  
Methods Course3  
HS 83203  
Total Semester Hours 30