M.A. in Theology

The Master of Arts in Theology at St. Mary’s University continues the work initiated by the Society of Mary to foster critical reflection on the Catholic faith in a manner open to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. The graduate degree introduces students to a variety of materials, questions, methods and thinkers in the academic discipline of Theology. 

Students are instructed in the careful reading of Scripture, theological texts and Church documents. The program also emphasizes the importance of historical and philosophical influences on textual interpretation and religious practices. In addition to this rigorous academic preparation, students consider how and why it is important to implement the result of theological research in creative and practical ways. 

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

Select one of the following in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament:3
The Pentateuch
Law of Moses
The Interpretation of the History of Israel
Select one of the following in Christian Bible/New Testament:3
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
Select one of the following second-level courses in Scripture (prerequisite: One first-level course in Scripture):3
Prophets and Visionaries
Wisdom Literature
The Gospel of Luke and the Acts
The Johannine Literature
Theology of Paul
Original Language Tools for Biblical Studies
Psalms & Passion Narratives
Systematic Theology
TH 6333God Triune and Incarnate: Historical and Contemporary Theology3
TH 6337Sacraments and Liturgy3
or TH 6336 Church and the Human Person: Historical and Contemporary Theology
TH 6334Faith, Reason & Theology: Historical and Contemporary Models3
or TH 7382 Survey of Systematic Theology
Christian Life and Practice
TH 6352Christian Social Ethics3
or TH 6354 Sin, Conscience, Conversion
Select one of the following:3
Christian Medical Ethics
Theology of Human Sexuality, Marriage, and the Family
Contemporary Issues in Christian Ethics
Select one of the following:3
Spirituality & Christian Practice
Theology in the Southwest United States
Theology and Lay Ministry
Theology and Catechesis
Select any TH 63xx or TH 73xx not fulfilling another requirement6
TH 7391Capstone3
Total Semester Hours36


Once admitted into the program, students must submit a written application for candidacy after completing 9 hours of coursework for graduate credit. The student’s application for candidacy must be approved in order to continue course work past 12 credit hours. The procedures regarding candidacy are located in the Academic Policies and Regulation for the Graduate School.


Students choosing to write a thesis must follow the guidelines set out in the Manual of Standards and Policies of St. Mary’s University Graduate School. They must complete TH 7390 as well as TH 7399. The thesis and defense will substitute for the general examination requirements (both written and oral) in the subject area most closely associated with its topic.

General Examination

In addition to the goals set out by the Graduate School for general examinations, the student earning the M.A. in Theology is expected to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and habits of the program. These objectives emphasize the academic abilities a student will need to pursue advanced study as well as professional skills needed for careers and service in theological and ecclesiastical areas. Generally, students must have completed 33 graduate credit hours before taking the general examination. Students wishing to take the examination shall request permission to do so from the Graduate Director. The request should be submitted in writing a semester prior the one in which the student wishes to take the exam.

The Graduate Learning Community Experience

All students graduating with the M.A. in Theology will have participated in interactions with their peers and professors outside of normal course requirements. The minimum requirement will be 10 clock hours over the course of the degree program. These requirements may be fulfilled in a variety of ways such as attending academic lectures that have been approved by the Department, participating in academic gatherings of the graduate students sponsored by the faculty, or by attending gatherings on or off campus as facilitated by course instructors and approved by the Graduate Director.