Certificate in Biblical Studies

The Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies provides students with a core foundation in how to read the Bible, namely the academic study and application of methods of interpretation to biblical literature. Those methods draw from the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum) issued at the Second Vatican Council and the secular academy manifest in the Society of Biblical Literature. Traditional-theological, historical-critical, and contemporary-critical methods are all considered fundamental. Philological study of scripture (that is, the original languages) is also strongly valued, but optional. In consultation with the graduate advisor, students will identify a course of study suitable to the student's goals. Courses taken toward the certificate could be transferred toward the degree of Master of Arts in Theology. This certificate differs from the MA and general certificate by allowing specialization in one particular area of Theology.

The certificate requires four courses (12 hours) chosen from the scripture courses selected from those offered for the Masters of Arts in Theology curriculum. 

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

Select four courses (12 hours) from the following:12
The Pentateuch
Prophets and Visionaries
Wisdom Literature
Law of Moses
The Interpretation of the History of Israel
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Luke and the Acts
The Johannine Literature
Theology of Paul
Original Language Tools for Biblical Studies
Psalms & Passion Narratives
Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Greek I
Biblical Greek II
Advanced Topics in Antiquity