International Business (IB)

IB 3310. Internat'l Economics. 3 Semester Hours.

An analysis of current theories of international transactions, with emphasis on the inter relationships among various aggregate economic variables with balance of payments. Policies effecting economic relations on the national and international levels are examined. Contemporary economic issues and theories are considered as they relate to the world of economy. (Spring) Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310, AC 2320. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 3321. US Business in an Interdependent World. 3 Semester Hours.

A survey of the effect that differences in cultural, economic, legal, political, and social environments have on the way business is conducted throughout the world. Also explored are the effects that regional economic and political arrangements, and international institutions are having on firms involved in international business. (Fall; Spring) Designated as a writing-intensive course. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303 or MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 or AC 2320 or AC 2302.

IB 4100. Special Studies in International Business. 1 Semester Hour.

A study of selected topics in International Business. Specific subject indicated each time the course is offered. May be used as elective credit and repeated when specific subject changes. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, Consent of Instructor.

IB 4200. Special Studies in International Business. 2 Semester Hours.

A study of selected topics in International Business. Specific subject indicated each time the course is offered. May be used as elective credit and repeated when specific subject changes. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, Consent of Instructor.

IB 4300. Special Studies in International Business. 3 Semester Hours.

A study of selected topics in International Business. Specific subject indicated each time the course is offered. May be used as elective credit and repeated when specific subject changes. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, Consent of Instructor. (Spring only).

IB 4351. International Finance. 3 Semester Hours.

The course addresses the historical, institutional and empirical aspects of the foreign exchange market, the euro currency market and the international bond market. The managerial implementation of international financial instruments in global oriented business organizations is stressed. (Fall; Spring) Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, FN 3310, IB 3321.

IB 4352. International Marketing. 3 Semester Hours.

Students develop a familiarity with the problems and perspectives of marketing across national boundaries and within foreign countries and gain insights into the environmental impact of international business activities. The ability to analyze marketing decisions and the methods of structuring and controlling programs as they relate to overseas markets are stressed. (Fall only) Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, MK 3310.

IB 4353. International Market Analysis. 3 Semester Hours.

This course equips students with the key concepts and methods of international marketing research, and allows students to understand how to apply those tools to solve real-life business problems in the global marketplace. (Spring only) Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321 and IB 4352.

IB 4354. Global Social Media Marketing. 3 Semester Hours.

In this course students will explore techniques for integrating social media marketing as an integral component of global marketing campaigns, serving as listening and outreach tools for building brand awareness and promoting business. (Spring only). Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321. (Fall only.).

IB 4355. Managing in Cross-Culture Envi. 3 Semester Hours.

Addresses cultural impacts on international business and management. Examines the role of the global manager as creator of synergy, leader in change, and influencer of organization, work, and team cultures. Analyzes cross-cultural effectiveness in terms of international assignments, and family relocation. Considers how to do business with intercultural sensitivity and skills for major world regions. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321 or MN 3330. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4356. International Market Entry Strategy. 3 Semester Hours.

This course examines available market entry strategies that organizations can utilize to establish international operations, including exporting, licensing, strategic alliances, equity joint ventures, and foreign direct investment. (Not Currently Offered. Check with Dept. Chair) Prerequisites: : MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321 and IB 4358.

IB 4357. Global Supply Chain Management. 3 Semester Hours.

This course examines the management of the flow of goods and services across the world, from the movement and storage of raw materials, to the work-in-process inventory, to the finished goods, and to the point of consumption. (Spring only). Prerequisites: : MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321 and QM 4330.

IB 4358. International Management. 3 Semester Hours.

The course examines the managerial complexities and peculiarities of business operations that cross national borders. Thus, it includes the study of management functions, organizational structures, policies and procedures, and practices of international, multinational, and global corporations and their varying strategies. (Fall only) Designated as a writing-intensive course. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, MN 3330.

IB 4361. The Business Environment of the Americas. 3 Semester Hours.

This course provides a general, comparative overview of the business environments of the Americas. The discussion and analysis will focus on the economic, legal-political, and social-cultural dimensions of the business environments of these countries, and their impact on business practices. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, IB 3310 or EC 3310. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4362. The Business Environment of Asia. 3 Semester Hours.

This course provides a general, comparative overview of the business environments of Asia. The discussion and analysis will focus on the economic, legal-political, and social-cultural dimensions of the business environments of these countries, and their impact on business practices. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, IB 3310 or EC 3310. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4363. Business Environment of Europe. 3 Semester Hours.

This course provides a general, comparative overview of the business environments of Europe. The discussion and analysis will focus on the economic, legal-political, and social-cultural dimensions of the business environments of these countries, and their impact on business practices. (Fall) Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 1306 or MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, IB 3310 or EC 3310. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4364. Compar Legal Environ if NAFTA. 3 Semester Hours.

This course is designed to acquaint students with basic legislative, judicial, executive, and administrative structures of each of the NAFTA countries. Emphasis is placed on the key differences in the systems and essential procedures for effective business operation within these legal systems. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, IB 3321, MN 3330. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4365. International Accounting & Taxation. 3 Semester Hours.

An examination of the accounting principles and practices among countries and an overview of taxation of U.S. businesses operating internationally. Emphasis is placed on management decisions associated with accounting and taxation of companies operating in the international environment. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4370. Int'l Marketing Exper Prac I. 3 Semester Hours.

Required for all IB students enrolled in the International Marketing track. Preparation for international work experience to include competency-based training modules. Options include internationally focused internship, consulting project, exchange program, service-learning project, ESL teaching program, intensive language, case or business plan competition, or academic research project. Pre-requisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301, IB 3321 (Can be taken concurrently), MT 1305, MT 2306 (Spring only).

IB 4371. Int'l Marketing Exper Prac II. 3 Semester Hours.

Required for all IB students enrolled in the International Marketing track. Advanced preparation for international work experience to include competency-based training modules. Options include internationally focused internship, consulting project, exchanged program, service-learning project, ESL teaching program, case or business plan competition, or academic research project. Pre-requisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, IB 4370, MN 3330, MT 1305, MT 2306, MK 3310 (can be taken concurrently). (Spring only).

IB 4372. Global Market Research. 3 Semester Hours.

An examination of the techniques and methodologies used for analyzing industries, markets, and competitors within a regional or global context. Emphasis is placed on gaining a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with analyzing customers, competitors, environmental trends, market characteristics. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, MK 3310. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4375. Internship in Intl Business. 3 Semester Hours.

The opportunity to gain knowledge through experiential activities in professional life. Cooperation with public, business, and government institutions in monitoring and gaining work experience aimed at supplementing the learning process. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, EC 2301, EC 2303, Minimum GPA of 2.8, IB 3321, MN 3330. (Registration requires approval. Consult academic advisor.) (Fall, Spring, Summer).

IB 4380. Int'l Trade Ops Exper Prac I. 3 Semester Hours.

Required for all IB students enrolled in the International Trade Operations track. Preparation for international work experience to include competency-based training modules. Options include internationally focused internship, consulting project, exchanged program, service-learning program, ESL teaching program, case or business plan competition, or academic research project. Prerequisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301, AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321 (can be taken concurrently), , MT 1305, MT 2306, one 2000 level language course. (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair).

IB 4381. Int'l Trade Ops Exper Prac II. 3 Semester Hours.

Required for all IB students enrolled in the International Trade Operations track. Preparation for international work experience to include competency-based training modules. Options include internationally focused internship, consulting project, exchanged program, service-learning program, ESL teaching program, case or business plan competition, or academic research project. Pre-requisites: EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, IB 3321, IB 4380, MN 3330, MT 1305, MT 2306, QM 3321, one 3000 level language course (can be concurrently). (Not currently offered. Check with Dept. Chair.).

IB 4390. Seminar in International Business. 3 Semester Hours.

Advanced course permitting the student to engage in reading and research on current developments in International Business. Group analysis of reports aids in expanding and deepening the horizons of the participants. (Spring Only) Designated as a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: MT 1305 or MT 2303, MT 2306 or MT 2412, EC 2301, EC 2303, AC 2310 or AC 2301 , AC 2320 or AC 2302, Senior Standing, Six additional hours designated as IB which can be taken concurrently, International Business majors only.