Minor in Visual Communication Design

In a world where technology continually advances and information is shared at an exponential rate, a successful message is one that not only is clear and effective for its target audience, but also stands out from the rest in a visually appealing way. As a result, there is an increasing need for our graduates to be trained as effective communicators who are fluent in visual design and digital technology.  Furthermore, the ability to produce messages that are visually effective and shared digitally through social media is a skill that is in high demand, as evidenced by the increasing number of job openings in the field.

While St. Mary's offers various courses in fine arts and media communication that provide some training in this area, a unified approach presented through a formal curriculum does not exist.  Therefore, an 18-credit hour minor in Visual Communication Design is proposed to address this need.

This minor in Visual Communication Design can complement virtually any major at St. Mary's and, in particular, will enhance the marketability of graduates from degrees humanities, social sciences, business and arts.


Amanda Hill, Ph.D.

Brain St. John, M.F.A.

Click on the course number to view course title and description. 

Requirements for the minor:
Select on of the following Fine Arts Basics:3
Drawing I
Design fundamentals
Color Theory
Digital Art Studio
AR 3392Photography3
CM 3360Media Production3
CM 4362Graphic Design3
CM 4380Capstone in Visual Communication Design3
CM 4360Media Pre-Production3
Total Semester Hours18