B.S. in Exercise and Sports Science - Generalist Track

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Exercise and Sports Science - Generalist Track Degree Plan (120 hours)
Core Requirements (45 hours)
First Year Seminar3
First Year Seminar
Freshmen Composition I3
Rhetoric and Composition
Rhetoric and Composition for International Students
Any EN 23XX literature course
Any 1000, 2000, or 3000-level HS course
Social Science6
College Algebra
Algebra for Clinical Applications
Natural or Physical Sciences3
Select one: BL 1301, BL 1302, BL 3311, CH 1303, CH 1304, CH 1401, CH 1402, ES 1300, ES 1301, ES 1302, ES 1303, ES 1304, ES 1305, ES 1373, PY 1300, PY 1310, PY 1401, PY 1402
Fine Arts3
Select any 3 hrs. of the following: Art (AR), Drama (DM), Music (MU) or MU 1300
Foreign Language and International Engagement 6
This requirement is satisfied through one of four ways: (1) One 3-hour course in any language at the 3000 level or above, with a grade of B or better; (2) Two courses (1311 and 1312) in a language not previously studied; (3) Two courses (2311 and 2312) in a language previously studied at the high school or college level; (4) Qualifying scores on an AP or CLEP exam, or both the ACTFL OPI and WPT exams
Philosophy - Self3
Intro to Philosophy
Philosophy - Ethics3
Foundations of Ethics
Theology - God3
Introduction to Theology
Intermediate Theology3
Any TH 33xx course
Exercise and Sport Science Major Courses - Generalist Track (46 hours)
EX 1302Foundations of Exercise & Sport Science3
EX 1312 or NU 3301 Lifelong Health and Wellness or Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan (Nursing)3
EX 2310Motor Learning3
BL 1411Human Anatomy & Physiology I (or EX 1411)4
BL 1412Human Anatomy and Physio II (or EX 1412)4
EX 3304Biomechanics of Human Movement3
EX 3310Field Experience3
or NU 4404 Clinical Immersion
EX 3401Exercise Physiology4
EX 4308Research Seminar3
Level 1 Elective Courses (select 4)12
Consult with your academic adviser to determine which 4 of the following Medical Fitness courses and/or Strength and Conditioning courses best fit your career interests
Level 1: Medical Fitness Elective
Medical Terminology
Prevention & Care of Activity-Related Injuries
Holistic Health Assessment
Exercise and Sport Psychology
Advanced Exercise Physiology
Level 1: Strength and Conditioning Elective
Instruction of Sports Activities and Games
Introduction to Athletic Training
Current Issues in Exercise & Sport Science
Sport Nutrition
Level 2 Elective Course (Select 1)4
Consult with your academic adviser to determine which course best fits your career interests
Level 2: Medical Fitness Elective
Exercise Testing and Prescription
Level 2: Strength and Conditioning Elective
Essentials of Strength and Conditioning
General Electives (29 hours)29
An elective can be any course taken from any discipline.Students can use these hours to pursue certificates, minors, or second majors.
Total Semester Hours120

This is a recommended degree plan subject to changes. Students should meet with their advisor on a regular basis.

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First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
FYE 13013Literature3
EN 13113Natural or Physical Science3
Foreign Language I3Foreign Language II3
Social Science (1 of 2)3EX 13123
EX 13023General Elective3
 15 15
Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
Mathematics3Social Science (2 of 2)3
PL 13013TH 13013
EX 23103Fine Arts3
EX 14114EX 33043
General Elective3EX 34014
 16 16
Third Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
History3Intermediate Theology3
PL 23013EXSS Level 1 Elective (1 of 4)3
EX 33103EXSS Level 1 Elective (2 of 4)3
EX 14124General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 16 15
Fourth Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
EXSS Level 1 elective (3 of 4)3EX 43083
EXSS Level 1 elective (4 of 4)3EXSS Level 2 elective (1 of 1)4
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective2
General Elective3 
 15 12
Total Semester Hours 120