Military Science

Minor in Military Science

Army ROTC is an academic program which focuses on leadership and management skills. The program of instruction challenges students in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Students participate in classroom instruction while also engaging in world-class physical fitness training, land navigation, marksmanship, rappelling, and other military activities.

The Military Science minor may be granted upon satisfactory completion of 21 semester hours of Military Science and Military History coursework.

Minor in Military Science

MS 1101. Fundamentals of Leadership & Management. 1 Semester Hour.

Organization of the Army and ROTC; career opportunities for ROTC graduates and the military as a profession. Customs and traditions of the service. Develop- ment of leadership potential, First Aid, and Introduction to Map Reading.

MS 1102. Foundations of Leadership and Management. 1 Semester Hour.

Leadership studies of problems facing junior leaders in today's Army in non-com- bat situations. Effects of technological and sociological change on the military. Continuation of customs and traditions of the service. Development of leadership potential. Basic military skills training.

MS 2201. Self/Team Development. 2 Semester Hours.

Learn/apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral pre- sentations, writing concisely, planning events, coordination of group efforts, ad- vanced first aid, land navigation, and basic military tactics.

MS 2202. Applied Leadership and Management. 2 Semester Hours.

Military use of maps and terrain analysis with emphasis on practical experiences. Introduction to the leadership techniques required to conduct patrolling, offensive and defensive tactical missions.

MS 3301. Advanced Leadership and Manage. 3 Semester Hours.

Performance oriented instruction in preparation for Advanced Camp. Analysis of psychological, physiological, and sociological factors which affect human behav- ior. Analysis of leadership and management processes. Techniques in planning, presenting and evaluating performance-oriented instruction. Prerequisites: MS 1101, MS 1102, MS 2201, and MS 2202, or permission of the Professor of Military Science. Business majors enrolled in the ROTC Advanced Course may receive credit for BA 3325W upon successful completion of MS 3301 with prior approval of the Dean, School of Business and Administration.

MS 3302. Advanced Leadership and Management. 3 Semester Hours.

Performance oriented instruction in preparation for Advanced Camp. Develop- ment of the student's ability to express him/herself clearly and accurately, with em- phasis on the analysis of military problems, and the preparation and delivery of logical solutions. Analysis of the leader's role in planning, directing and coordinat- ing the efforts of individuals and small units in the execution of offensive and de- fensive tactical missions. Prerequisites: MS 3301 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS 3348. History of World War II. 3 Semester Hours.

Rise of the dictators and appeasement in Europe. Lapses in U.S. neutrality; Pearl Harbor and war on two fronts; build up to D-Day; Naval war in the Pacific; atomic conclusion with Japan.

MS 3355. US Military History. 3 Semester Hours.

American Military Institutions, policies, experiences and traditions in peace and war from colonial times to the present. Emphasis will be on the relationship be- tween the military and other institutions of American society. An analysis of basic military tactics, weapons systems, and equipment is conducted.

MS 4301. Seminar in Leadership & Mgmnt. 3 Semester Hours.

Analysis of selected leadership and management problems. Responsibilities of the Commander and staff in the areas of administration, personnel, operations, and lo- gistics. Introduction to military justice and the army training system. Prerequisites: MS 3302 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS 4302. Seminar in Leadership and Management. 3 Semester Hours.

Analysis of selected leadership and management problems with a concentration on management problem analysis and decision making, planning and organizing, delegation and control, and interpersonal skills required for effective management. Seminars in the role of the officer in the conduct of personal affairs and ethics. Prerequisite: MS 4301 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS 5301. Adv Semi in Military Issue I. 3 Semester Hours.

Analysis of various topics concerning the principles of war and the Airland Battle doctrine. Analysis and discussion of various topics pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of a 2nd Lieutenant. Additional course options are special projects and Ranger Challenge participation based on guidance and approval of the Professor of Military Science. Prerequisite: MS 4301 or MS 4302 or permission of the Pro- fessor of Military Science.

MS 5302. Advanced Seminar in Military Issue II. 3 Semester Hours.

Analysis of various topics concerning the principles of war and the Airland Battle doctrine. Analysis and discussion of various topics pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of a 2nd Lieutenant. Additional course options are special projects and Ranger Challenge participation based on guidance and approval of the Professor of Military Science. Prerequisite: MS 4301 or MS 4302 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.