Minor in Biomedical Research

Biomedical Research is a multidisciplinary minor that includes areas of study across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The field of Biomedical Research is an act of discovery that gives the researcher an appreciation for how life works and the knowledge to improve health and reduce disease burden. 


Verónica Contreras-Shannon, Ph.D.

Requirements for minor:
ST 1110Introduction to Biomedical Research1
ST 3110Biomedical Workshops1
ST 3120Mentored Manuscript Writing1
BL 3125Seminars in Biological Science1
BL 3130Scientific Methodology & Analysis1
ST 3230Research in Biomedical Sciences2
or ST 4230 Research in Biomed Sciences
Select 11 hours of the following:11
Biostatistics for Life Science
BL 3125 Seminars in Biological Science
BL3xxx/4xxx Choose from approved CURE/Inquiry courses (e.g. BL 3440, BL 3464)
CH3xxx/4xxx Choose from approved CURE/Inquiry courses (e.g. CH 3423, CH 4350/CH 4150)
Chemical Reseach
Chemical Research
Chemical Research
Introduction to Programming for Data Analytics (in Python)
C Programming for Engineering
C Programming for Engineering Lab
Python Programming for Eng
Python Programming for EG Lab
Experimental Design
Scientific and Technical Writing
ES3xxx/4xxx Choose from approved CURE/Inquiry courses (e.g. ES 3340, ES 4400))
PS3xxx/4xxx Choose from approved CURE/Inquiry courses (e.g. PS 3383, 4163)
PY3xxx/4xxx Choose from approved CURE/Inquiry courses
U-RISE Training in Biomedical Research
Research in Biomedical Sciences
Research in Biomedical Sciences
Research in Biomedical Sci
Research in Biomed Sciences
Research in Biomed Sciences
Research in Biomedical Sciences
Other Requirements:
CITI Training Module: Responsible Conduct of Research
Minimum of 2 semesters/summers participating in same mentored research project
Publication quality product: research thesis or manuscript including pre-prints, micropublications, or undergraduate research journal (that may or may not be published)
Public poster presentation of mentored research at event approved by research mentor
Strongly recommended: weekly attendance at research seminar
Total Semester Hours18