Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IO)

IO 6000X. Continuous Graduate Enrollment. 0 Semester Hours.

IO 6185. Statistical Computing and Data Visualization. 1 Semester Hour.

This course provides students with the knowledge about the analysis and database features of SPSS, with emphasis on the data editor, variable view, and output windows, and cross-platform use with other software applications. The course is partice-based to ensure students gain skills in using the data editor, creating databases, manipulating and transforming data, merging and exporting data across files and platforms, and editing and printing statistical output.

IO 6309. Human Factors. 3 Semester Hours.

This course is a comprehensive and practical review of basic concepts in the integration of the human component into the design, development and evaluation of man-machine systems and sub-systems. It emphasizes the data and practices of human engineering (same as EG 6309).

IO 6363. Advanced Topics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. 3 Semester Hours.

The purpose of this seminar is to cover special topics in psychology, utilizing faculty and community professionals (possessing appropriate certification and degrees). (When different topics are treated, PS 6363 may be repeated for additional credit upon approval of the graduate program director.).

IO 6366. Personnel Psychology and Talent Management. 3 Semester Hours.

The application of psychological theory and practices to human resources activities in organizations. Special emphasis is placed on job analysis and design, employee selection and placement, training and development, and performance management and appraisal. Legal and ethical considerations are underscored. Students will gain a working knowledge of the psychological principles in effective organizations.

IO 6367. Group Dynamics in Organizations. 3 Semester Hours.

This seminar provides an overview and critical evaluation of recent advances in group dynamics and team performance research. The major goals of the seminar are to: 1) review and discuss a broad sample of current research programs on group/team processes and outcomes, (2) develop research skills through critical review/analysis of the group dynamics/team literature, and (3) stimulate ideas for original research projects.

IO 6369. Organizational Psychology. 3 Semester Hours.

This course is designed as a graduate-level introduction to classic and contemporary research literature in organizational psychology. The course objectives are to: 1) provide an overview of the literature (theory, empirical studies) in a sampling of major content areas, 2) develop research skills through critical review/analysis of organizational literature, and 3) stimulate ideas for original research projects.

IO 6370. Professional Development & Assessment Centers. 3 Semester Hours.

This course provides students with knowledge of current issues of professional development in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and the use of assessment centers in professional development. Assessment centers are widely used in industry for personnel development, training, and decision making. Students will participate in an assessment center process, receive developmental feedback about their performance, and write a personal development plan based on the feedback. Prerequisite: PS 6366.

IO 6371. Motivation and Human Behavior. 3 Semester Hours.

Theories and reports of empirical investigations.

IO 6375. Professional Consulting. 3 Semester Hours.

Graduate course on topics relevant to the consulting industry, including ethics and ethical dilemma identification and resolution; issue and problem identification; and solution architecture, development, and planning. Lectures are research and activities-based, interrelating psychological theory with business practices.

IO 6377. International Human Resources. 3 Semester Hours.

IO 6381. Psychological Research. 3 Semester Hours.

Methodology and scientific inquiry in psychology. Experimentation, its relation to theory and design. Prerequisite: PS 6385.

IO 6383. Adv. Experimental Psychology. 3 Semester Hours.

Projects and lectures. Advanced methodology for thesis, dissertation, and professional journal research. Includes a laboratory.

IO 6385. Advanced Statistics I: Basic Descriptive and Inferential Analysis. 3 Semester Hours.

Advanced topics in statistics to include the analysis of variance, factor analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, multiple regression analysis and the use of statistical software to assist in these analyses.

IO 6386. Multivariate Statistics. 3 Semester Hours.

Topics in multivariate analysis with wide application in the behavioral and management sciences such as analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of covariance, principal components, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis and discriminant function analysis. The course stresses theory, assumptions, and practical application of each technique. Students apply methods using SPSS and interpret results of analyses. Prerequisite: PS 6385.

IO 6387. Research. 3 Semester Hours.

Normal empirical projects designed to test a well formulated hypothesis. Other approaches may be considered. Required for thesis candidates. Prerequisites: PS 6381, PS 6385, and approval from Graduate Program Director.

IO 6388. Thesis. 3 Semester Hours.

The thesis is a complete documentation of an independent research project conducted by the student and supervised and approved by a thesis committee. The final report includes information related to the relevant theoretical background, research area, hypotheses, methods and procedures, results and interpretations, and discussion related to the significance of the results and application to the discipline.

IO 7185. Internship and Project in Personnel Psychology. 1 Semester Hour.

IO 7317. Training and Development. 3 Semester Hours.

Students will learn the fundamentals of organizational training and development, training evaluation, and organizational change and learning. The competencies learned in this course will support students pursuing careers as talent development, organizational change, human resources, instructional designers, career or leadership coaches, diversity and inclusion specialists, leadership development program managers, skill-specific training facilitators, and more.

IO 7320. Applied Psychometrics. 3 Semester Hours.

This course is intended to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of survey development and use of measurement instruments. Focus will be on measurement instruments used to select and evaluate individuals in industrial, business, government, and academic environments. In this class, we will balance the conceptual, in the form of theory and statistical bases, with the applied, in the form of data analysis using SPSS or R and writing about psychometric topics.

IO 7361. Psychological Factors in Systems Management. 3 Semester Hours.

Human characteristics and their effect on systems management; psychological principles and innovations relative to selection, classification and placement; job analysis; job evaluation; performance evaluation; employee morale, working conditions, effects on personnel; human engineering and consumer psychology; communications.

IO 7363. Human Performance Assessment and Measurement. 3 Semester Hours.

Comprehensive and practical review of basic concepts in the integration of the human component into the design, development and evaluation of man-machine systems and subsystems: Human and computer performance capabilities, interface problems in man-machine systems; human factors theory and data applied toward effective systems management, design, operation, environment; personnel subsystems; workplace layout and arrangements; design for ease of maintenance; anthropometry; man-machine dynamics (same as EG 6309).

IO 7368. Job Analysis. 3 Semester Hours.

In-depth review of major job analysis techniques. Quantitative data analysis will be stressed along with some examination of scaling and data display techniques.

IO 7381. Project and Internship in Research and Consulting. 3 Semester Hours.

Supervised practice in the design and execution of research in psychology. As a portion of the practicum, the student will plan, carry out research, and perform statistical and other analyses of results, all leading toward a publishable paper. Student may also act as laboratory instructor, planning research experiments, setting up equipment, supervising write ups of experiments and grading reports. Prerequisites: PS 6381, PS 6385, and permission of instructor.

IO 7383. Project and Internship in Data Analytics. 3 Semester Hours.

Supervised practice in the selection and execution of statistical techniques appropriate to specific problem areas in psychology. The student will participate in data capture and reduction projects. The student may act as a tutor in the statistics laboratory as a means of enhancing his/her ability to communicate his/her knowledge of quantitative methods. Prerequisites: PS 6381, PS 6385, and permission of instructor.

IO 7385. Project and Internship in Talent Management. 3 Semester Hours.

Supervised practice in research and/or application of psychological principles and innovations to selection, classification, and placement; job analysis; job evaluation; performance evaluation; employee morale; working conditions; human engineering and consumer psychology. The student may select certain of these topics for special emphasis. When feasible, on-the-job training in some business or industry may be recommended. May be repeated once for additional credit. Prerequisites: PS 6185, PS 6385, and approval from Graduate Program Director.