Academic Standing and Progression Policy

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic Status

The minimum requirements to remain in academic Good Standing will be:

Semester GPA Cumulative GPA Semester Completion Ratio
1.80 2.00 67%1

To remain in Good Standing, a student must meet all of the requirements noted above at the end of each semester.

  • If a student does not meet all three of the requirements, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. Academic Probation will occur only one time.2
  • If a student meets all requirements during a probationary semester, the student will return to Academic Good Standing.
  • If a student meets 1 or 2 of the requirements during a probationary semester, the student will be placed on Academic Continued Probation.
  • If a student does not meet any of the requirements during a probationary semester, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension.

To illustrate how this policy will affect students, please review the table below.

If your academic standing during this current term is: And you meet the following requirements at the end of current term: Your new academic standing for the following semester will be:
Good Standing All 3 requirements Good standing
Good Standing 0, 1 or 2 of the requirements Academic Probation2
Academic Probation All 3 requirements Removed Probation (Good Standing)
Academic Probation 1 or 2 of the requirements Academic Continued Probation
Academic Probation None of the requirements Academic Suspension
Academic Continued Probation All 3 requirements Removed Probation (Good Standing)
Academic Continued Probation 0, 1 or 2 of the requirements Academic Suspension
Readmitted on Probation All 3 requirements 3 Removed Probation (Good Standing)
Readmitted on Probation 0,1 or 2 of the requirements 3 Academic Suspension

Completion ration refers to the percentage of attempted hours actually completed/passed.


Academic Probation occurs only one time. If a student returns to Good Standing and does not meet the requirements at a later time, the student will be placed on Academic Continued Probation.


Students readmitted on probation may be required to fulfill additional conditions that are placed by their Academic Dean at the time of readmission. Requirements may include, but are not limited to, higher semester GPA, restriction on hours enrolled, and required follow up with campus resources. Readmission letters will outline specific readmission requirements.

Academic Suspension

The first Academic Suspension is for a period of one long semester (fall or spring). Extenuating circumstances may be presented to the appropriate academic Dean for review.

A second Academic Suspension is for a period of at least 12 months.

After the third suspension, a student is not eligible to enroll at St. Mary's University.

Removal of probation after a suspension is governed by the readmission conditions.

Any priority registered courses will be cancelled due to the suspension status.

GPA and Completion Ratio

The GPA for a semester includes all courses taken for credit. Therefore, in addition to courses passed with a grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or D, the GPA includes those with F and WF. Not included are zero-hour course, "pass/no-pass" course, those taken as an Auditor, and courses with grades of W, WX, NC, I, IP, IS, or CR. All courses attempted, however, are figured into the semester completion ratio.

For summer terms, academic standing evaluation is based on semester and cumulative GPA calculations.  Completion ratio is not considered when evaluating academic standing.

The above policy does not govern eligibility for financial assistance. Please contact the Office of Financial Assistance for eligibility requirements.

Academic Plan Requirement

Students who are placed on academic probation will be required to complete a written academic plan and a written financial aid appeal (if receiving financial assistance) in order to meet their probationary terms. Guidelines on how to complete the above requirements will be outlined in each student's probationary letter.