French (FR)

FR 1311. Introduction to French I. 3 Semester Hours.

Essentials of French. An introduction to the four phases of language learning: understanding, reading, speaking, and writing French, and an introduction to French culture. The course consists of two semesters. Each semester consists of two hours lecture and one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. Enrollment restricted to students with no prior experience in French. Students who have been introduced to French at home or in high school should take FR 2311 and 2312. FR 1311 is a prerequisite for FR 1312. Additional fee associated with this course. See fee schedule for details at

FR 1312. Introduction to French II. 3 Semester Hours.

Essentials of French. An introduction to the four phases of language learning: understanding, reading, speaking, and writing French, and an introduction to French culture. The course consists of two semesters. Each semester consists of two hours lecture and one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. Enrollment restricted to students with no prior experience in French. Students who have been introduced to French at home or in high school should take FR 2311 and 2312. FR 1311 is a prerequisite for FR 1312. Additional fee associated with this course. See fee schedule for details at

FR 2311. Second Year French I. 3 Semester Hours.

French language reviewed and applied to practice in composition. Course includes practice in comprehension of spoken French and guided speaking, reading, and writing activities leading to self-expression in the French language. The course consists of two semesters. Each semester consists of two hours lecture and one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. French 2311 or equivalent obtained through experience, CLEP, or Advanced Placement Exams is a prerequisite for FR 2312. Additional fee associated with this course. See fee schedule for details at

FR 2312. Second Year French II. 3 Semester Hours.

French language reviewed and applied to practice in composition. Course includes practice in comprehension of spoken French and guided speaking, reading, and writing activities leading to self-expression in the French language. The course consists of two semesters. Each semester consists of two hours lecture and one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. French 2311 or equivalent obtained through experience, CLEP, or Advanced Placement Exams is a prerequisite for FR 2312. Additional fee associated with this course. See fee schedule for details at

FR 3311. Culture and Civilization in France. 3 Semester Hours.

A survey of the social, political, artistic, and cultural institutions of the French people, designed to provide a better understanding of their way of life. Taught principally in French. Prerequisite: FR 2312. A laboratory fee is charged.

FR 3312. Contemporary Cul of France. 3 Semester Hours.

A study of the contemporary cultural climate, issues and concerns of France, French-speaking Africa, Quebec, and other Francophone areas of the world. Taught principally in French. Prerequisite: FR 2312. A laboratory fee is charged.

FR 3330. Introduction of French Lit. 3 Semester Hours.

An introduction to the literary techniques and vocabulary needed to analyze, discuss and write about French works of prose, poetry, and drama. Taught principally in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 3332. Survey of French Literature. 3 Semester Hours.

An introduction to the representative selections of French literature from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth century. Taught principally in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 3361. Advanced Communication Skill I. 3 Semester Hours.

A systematic review of French grammar with principles applied to written discourse. The course will also include the analysis and discussion of written texts. Taught principally in French. Prerequisite: FR 2312. Additional fee associated with this course. See fee schedule for details at

FR 3362. Advanced Communication Skills II. 3 Semester Hours.

Students will focus on developing oral proficiency through the discussion of selected readings and audio-visual materials related to current events, topics of interest, and key problems and issues. Vocabulary building and writing exercises will also be a component of this course. Taught principally in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 3370. French Phonetics & Oral Discou. 3 Semester Hours.

The principles of French phonetics and pronunciation will be studied and applied to a wide variety of oral discourse such as speeches, poetry recitation, and news briefs. Taught principally in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 3381. French Language for the Profes. 3 Semester Hours.

Review of Grammar. Incorporates the language and vocabulary relating to a variety of professions such as medicine, business, law, education, and sociology so as to enable the student anticipating a career in these professions to convey his/her skills in French. Includes the principles of writing business letters, summaries, and reports. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 3382. Topics in French. 3 Semester Hours.

Study of any one of the broad range of topics in contemporary French language, culture and civilization to include issues of the day. May be taken twice if the topic is different. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 2312.

FR 4321. 19th&20th Century French Prose. 3 Semester Hours.

Reading and analysis of representative authors of the period. Taught in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 3330 or FR 3332.

FR 4332. Major Works of Contem Fran Lit. 3 Semester Hours.

Reading and analysis of representative authors of the period. Taught in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 3330 or FR 3332.

FR 4341. Main Current of French Poetry. 3 Semester Hours.

A study of the prominent movements in French Poetry; reading and analysis of masterpieces of French poetry. Taught in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 3330 or FR 3332.

FR 4351. Seminar in French Lit. 3 Semester Hours.

An in-depth study of the works of one author or of a theme that is treated by various authors. Taught in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 3330 or FR 3332.

FR 4362. Special Topics in French Drama. 3 Semester Hours.

A study of one of various periods of French drama. May be taken twice if the topic is different. Taught in French. A laboratory fee is charged. Prerequisite: FR 3331 or FR 3332.

FR 4382. Principles&Issues of 2nd Langu. 3 Semester Hours.

The course will include a study of the nature of language, theories of 1st and 2nd language acquisition and learning, communicative strategies, language teaching methodologies, and issues related to teaching foreign languages. This course should be taken just prior to doing student teaching. A laboratory fee is charged.